FAIR Bookstore
Redeemer: Who He Is and Who He Will Always Be
Redeemer: Who He Is and Who He Will Always Be
“I glory in my Jesus, for he hath redeemed my soul from hell” (2 Nephi 33:6).
I have always loved how Nephi says, “My Jesus.” There is ownership there. There is relationship there. Jesus meant so much to Nephi that he couldn’t help but share the truth about Christ with others. We may never know the effort it took to scratch his testimony into the gold plates. But for him it was worth it. And this is an excitement we see all over the scriptures.
We even see it from Heavenly Father. Whenever we see or hear from Him in the scriptural accounts. He is always there to introduce us to His Son. All throughout the history of the earth, the Father has wanted to introduce us to His Son.
This interactive book will help youth come closer to Jesus—my Jesus and their Jesus—through His names and titles. Each time will teach us about who He is and what He is like—His attributes and nature. They will show us how He has and will interact with each of us in our own stories and how He will be our Shepherd, our Messiah, our Bridegroom, our Redeemer, our King.